Performance History vs. GDX:Total Return (%)
As of 12/31/24
Performance History vs. GDXJ:Total Return (%)
As of 12/31/24
Hypothetical $100,000 invested 1/1/16 - 12/31/24
Inception was 1/1/16. Performance data shown represents past performance which is no guarantee of future results. Investment returns and principal values may fluctuate so that an investor's account, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than that shown. Returns do not assume reinvestment of all dividend and capital gain distributions.
Key risks: The portfolio is actively managed and its characteristics may vary. Stock values fluctuate in price so the value of your investment can go down depending on market conditions. International investing involves risks, including risks related to foreign currency, limited liquidity, less government regulation, and the possibility of substantial volatility due to adverse political, economic, or other developments. These risks may be heightened for investments in emerging markets. The portfolio does not use derivatives to hedge its investments and does not seek to enhance its returns in this manner. Short-selling has not been implemented from 2016-2019 but has been implemented in 2020 and future periods. Short-selling entails special risks. If the portfolio makes short sales that increase in value, the portfolio will lose value. Any loss on short positions may or may not be offset by investing short-sale proceeds in other investments.
I invest my own capital in what I believe to be undervalued, highly speculative, junior and senior mining companies, along with precious and industrial metals. I take calculated risks, based on my twenty-two years of experience in the sector. All of my knowledge has come from extensive research and investment trial and error with my own funds in order to develop my own successful market strategy.
Investing in mining companies, and metals carries risk so I take every precaution to limit my losses. However, it is entirely possible to lose all of my investment on a single purchase. I cannot be held responsible for any losses you may have from my investment decisions. We are not registered as a securities broker-dealer or RIA, either with the SEC or with any state securities regulatory authority. The information contained in our website and newsletter is for informational use only and is not an offer to buy or sell securities or considered investment advice for any specific investor. This information is not to be posted in chat rooms, public forums, or forwarded to individuals that are not paying for our services.
Our website and newsletter have been prepared for informational purposes only and are not intended to be used as a complete source of information on any company. An individual should never invest in the securities of any of the companies mentioned based solely on information provided by us. Individuals should assume that all information provided regarding companies is not trustworthy unless verified by their own independent research. We reserve the right to buy or sell shares of any company mentioned through our website or newsletter at any time. Authors of information referenced above may have been compensated by select companies for consulting work completed on behalf of select companies. If any of this is an issue, please contact us for additional information before subscribing to our newsletter. From inception of Feneck Consulting Group, LLC to present, we have never been compensated to appear as a guest on any podcast or radio show, and never have been compensated as a speaker at any virtual or live conference or round table discussion.
None of the information in our website or newsletter should be construed as investment advice. No information is individualized or personalized to meet your specific goals. Our website and newsletter may contain certain forward looking statements which are subject to risks, uncertainties and factors that can cause results and outcomes to differ materially from those discussed herein. You should consult with a financial advisor to determine what is and what is not suitable for you before making any investment decisions. An investor's time horizons vary, and your ability to buy concentrated positions in equities and metals may not be suitable, based on your risk tolerance. You should consult with an accountant about which tax strategy is most suitable for you (ie. the difference between incurring short term capital gains vs long term capital gains) and how that strategy may impact your tax liability. By working with Feneck Consulting Group, LLC, you acknowledge, submit and adhere to this disclaimer and accept the liabilities incurred from your own decisions, while using this information and analysis at your own risk.